Lily and Ally

These to partners in crime visited our Perth Studio, making for some lovely photos in our outdoor studio. Despite the noticeable size difference, with Ally- the gorgeous red kelpy towering over Lily- the cute little chihuahua, these two make great friends. Both were a bit shy, but once they warmed up, we managed to get some terrific photographs.

It was evident that Lily was very much mummy's girl, getting scared of little things, but that didn't stop her from being playful, bouncing around behind Ally as they ran through our gorgeous scenery, and even strutting her looks on the log. Ally is a rescue dog who has a very interactive and friendly nature, becoming very intrigued by the bush-land surroundings and keen to sniff the new area out.

Thanks Sophie for bringing these two in, we managed to get some lovely photos, with a favourite definitely being Ally running through the grass.